polyphemus_polly: Highline summer, Cardinal flower
polyphemus_polly: Highline summer, Cardinal flower
polyphemus_polly: Highline summer, equisitem texture
polyphemus_polly: Highline summer, equisitem planter
polyphemus_polly: Highline summer
polyphemus_polly: Highline summer, purple coneflower
polyphemus_polly: Naguchi sculpture sketch, WhitneyTitled "Humpty Dumpty" 1946.
polyphemus_polly: Calder in the Rain, Whitney sketch
polyphemus_polly: Calder in the Rain, Whitney sketching
polyphemus_polly: Elizabeth Catlett linocutsWonderful series on display now at Whitney
polyphemus_polly: Elizabeth Catlett, "Black Women" linocut series on display at Whitney...
polyphemus_polly: Activating Calder
polyphemus_polly: View of Highline from Whitney 8th floor
polyphemus_polly: Chelsea Market banana signs
polyphemus_polly: Naguchi at the Whitney, conveniently located near comfy seating.
polyphemus_polly: Brooklyn kitty Henry
polyphemus_polly: Brooklyn kitty Justin
polyphemus_polly: Pizza at Emily
polyphemus_polly: Pizza at Emily
polyphemus_polly: From Richard Gerstl painting, at Neue Museum, paper53
polyphemus_polly: Phoebe and Alexander in Central Park