polyphemus_polly: Don't bother me!
polyphemus_polly: Cat in the Round
polyphemus_polly: Ramen on the porch. Hot out there.
polyphemus_polly: Tortie in beach chair
polyphemus_polly: Cats are so graceful.
polyphemus_polly: Tortie in the window
polyphemus_polly: I'm invisible! Ramen, a white oriental shorthair, got the blanket over his head and stayed there for ten minutes. Michi the tortie was more interested in the catnip toy nearby.
polyphemus_polly: Awoken from a nap
polyphemus_polly: Sleeping in the winter sun
polyphemus_polly: Ramen sleeps in the sun.
polyphemus_polly: Sleepy stretch
polyphemus_polly: Butterfly chair portrait
polyphemus_polly: Ramen Nap and vintage bark cloth
polyphemus_polly: Ramen Nap, OSH
polyphemus_polly: Ramen, my odd-eyed Oriental Shorthair
polyphemus_polly: Cat Nap Basket
polyphemus_polly: Ramen the oriental shorthair crosses his forepaws.
polyphemus_polly: Undercover cat. OHS
polyphemus_polly: Undercover cat. OHS
polyphemus_polly: Going to the vet
polyphemus_polly: Oriental shorthair loves to play with raw spaghetti
polyphemus_polly: Oriental shorthair loves to play with raw spaghetti
polyphemus_polly: Cat comments on new frame.