JWSherman: Friday Afternoon Driving West
JWSherman: Sunset Thru the Windshield
JWSherman: Skip at Sunset
JWSherman: Sunset
JWSherman: Looking Eastward, Sunset Reflection on Low Clouds
JWSherman: Central Texas Sunset
JWSherman: Central Texas Sunset
JWSherman: Central Texas Sunset
JWSherman: Central Texas Sunset
JWSherman: Central Texas Sunset
JWSherman: Central Texas Sunset
JWSherman: Setting up Camp, Skip Wahing Up
JWSherman: The Preparation of the Campfire
JWSherman: In Search of Kindling
JWSherman: Getting Settled
JWSherman: Skip in the Tent
JWSherman: Ashley Setting up Camp
JWSherman: Jen Setting up Camp
JWSherman: Corey and Jen, Saturday
JWSherman: Checking Accomidations
JWSherman: Preparations for Lunch
JWSherman: Turkey Vulture in the Woods
JWSherman: The First Hike, To the River
JWSherman: Trail Down to the Guadelupe River
JWSherman: Amongst the River Valley Brush
JWSherman: Solar Stones
JWSherman: Detail of Solar Path Lamps
JWSherman: Ashley, Corey, and Jen, Plus Cypress Tree
JWSherman: Enjoying the Cool Water
JWSherman: Relaxing in the Guadelupe