JWSherman: The Garmin
JWSherman: Skip Driving the Explorer
JWSherman: Bridge Over the Pecos River
JWSherman: Skip and Al at the Pecos River Bridge Overlook
JWSherman: Skip at the Pecos River Bridge Overlook
JWSherman: Skip and Al at the Pecos River Bridge Overlook
JWSherman: Skip, John, and Al at the Pecos River Bridge Overlook
JWSherman: Plaque at the Pecos River Bridge Overlook
JWSherman: IMG_8303
JWSherman: IMG_8304
JWSherman: IMG_8309
JWSherman: IMG_8313
JWSherman: IMG_8316
JWSherman: IMG_8318
JWSherman: IMG_8319
JWSherman: IMG_8320
JWSherman: IMG_8321
JWSherman: IMG_8324
JWSherman: IMG_8325