JWSherman: The Road to Marfa
JWSherman: The Road to Marfa
JWSherman: Presidio County Courthouse
JWSherman: The Thunderbird Motel
JWSherman: The Thunderbird
JWSherman: The Entrance to the Thunderbird
JWSherman: The Old Gathering Area at the Thunderbird
JWSherman: Detail of the Hotel Paisano
JWSherman: Detail of the Hotel Paisano
JWSherman: The Crew
JWSherman: Skip
JWSherman: Cadena
JWSherman: Relaxing
JWSherman: The Hotel Paisano at Sunset
JWSherman: Custom Furniture
JWSherman: Custom Furniture
JWSherman: Downtown Marfa
JWSherman: Downtown Marfa
JWSherman: Coca Cola Sign, Downtown Marfa
JWSherman: Furniture Store, Marfa, TX
JWSherman: Lighting
JWSherman: Skippy
JWSherman: Cadena and Skip
JWSherman: Cadena and Skip
JWSherman: The Thunderbird at Night