JWSherman: We're Not Alone
JWSherman: Leaving the Dunes
JWSherman: Late Afternoon Setting Camp
JWSherman: Setting Up Camp
JWSherman: Bears!
JWSherman: The Palace
JWSherman: Rays Thru the Clouds
JWSherman: Just Before Sunset
JWSherman: Plotting a Course
JWSherman: Sunset Over the Dunes
JWSherman: Pretty
JWSherman: Wild Flowers
JWSherman: Wild Flowers, ??
JWSherman: Short Hike
JWSherman: John Under Giant Pine
JWSherman: Suzanne, Roger, and Skip
JWSherman: Perspective
JWSherman: Sandbox
JWSherman: Mountains against Sand
JWSherman: The Dunes
JWSherman: Skip Resting
JWSherman: Skip Dodging Lightning
JWSherman: The Sand
JWSherman: Roger at the Foot of the Hill
JWSherman: Storm Clouds Brewing
JWSherman: Suzanne and Roger
JWSherman: Sliding
JWSherman: Suzanne and Skip on the Dunes
JWSherman: Rain Showers
JWSherman: Fourteeners to the North