Dustin Diaz: The fancy snacks
Dustin Diaz: Cheeses and fruits
Dustin Diaz: Biscotti and other yummys
Dustin Diaz: Fancy snacks
Dustin Diaz: Living room
Dustin Diaz: Living room & Kitchen
Dustin Diaz: Erin doing final preparations
Dustin Diaz: Braden
Dustin Diaz: Braden
Dustin Diaz: Meat wrapped breadsticks
Dustin Diaz: Frozen Grapes
Dustin Diaz: Braden
Dustin Diaz: Carrots
Dustin Diaz: Olives and berries and cheese
Dustin Diaz: Peoples
Dustin Diaz: Braden & Sean
Dustin Diaz: iPhone Jenga