Pollyjourn: For nationalists
Pollyjourn: Demonstration for nationalists
Pollyjourn: Activists of Front National
Pollyjourn: Marine and Jean-Marie Le Pen
Pollyjourn: Activists and Jeanne d'Arc
Pollyjourn: Marine Le Pen on the demonstration
Pollyjourn: Activists for FN
Pollyjourn: Jean-Marie Le Pen is proclaming
Pollyjourn: Demonstration for Front National
Pollyjourn: They are screaming "No blocks for fascists, no way to fascists!"
Pollyjourn: Posters of the orginisers Collectif dionysien contre le FN et l'extrême-droite Myakinchenko
Pollyjourn: Activists on the demonstration
Pollyjourn: Ecologists on the demonstration
Pollyjourn: Demonstrator against fascists
Pollyjourn: Demonstrators on the anti-FN demonstration
Pollyjourn: Distribution of leaflets of Collective dionysien contre FN et extrême-droit
Pollyjourn: Activist of MRAP against fascists