fritz polesny: crocus and ice
fritz polesny: gelber Mohn, yellow poppy
fritz polesny: Der letzte Sommerhauch im Herbst, the last breath of summer in autumn
fritz polesny: noch eine letzte Rose, one more last rose in the garden
fritz polesny: Glockenblume, bellflower, Campanula
fritz polesny: Rosenblatt und Regentropfen, rose leaf and raindrops
fritz polesny: rosebud in early winter, Rosenknospe zu Winterbeginn
fritz polesny: verwelkt, withered
fritz polesny: Schneerose, Chrstmas rose
fritz polesny: Schneeglöckchen,
fritz polesny: Krokus, Crocus
fritz polesny: Crocus and a guest
fritz polesny: Frühling im Garten, springtime in my garden
fritz polesny: saftiges Grün im Garten, succulent green in the garden
fritz polesny: Tradescantia
fritz polesny: last flowers in the garden
fritz polesny: early crocus in my garden