.Manisha.: Just getting started
.Manisha.: Neighbor clearing driveway for the first time
.Manisha.: Snow throne
.Manisha.: Heading back to the party house
.Manisha.: At noon, it was already knee deep
.Manisha.: Visibility was v poor
.Manisha.: Stuck uphill on our street
.Manisha.: Wind cave forming on our van
.Manisha.: Our van looks really weird!
.Manisha.: Snow blown onto the house
.Manisha.: My blue spruce getting buried
.Manisha.: Lit up at night
.Manisha.: Snow throne becoming snow bed!
.Manisha.: Next morning!
.Manisha.: Look for the chairs!
.Manisha.: The backyard - it was thigh deep in some areas
.Manisha.: Van starts reappearing as snow starts melting
.Manisha.: leading to the front door
.Manisha.: looking down the street
.Manisha.: A Tacoma that didn't make it onto the driveway
.Manisha.: Neighbor's car buried
.Manisha.: Garage side door when opened
.Manisha.: Trying to walk in the snow in our yard
.Manisha.: Backyard
.Manisha.: The barely visible chair
.Manisha.: Thigh deep on the north side
.Manisha.: so much snow
.Manisha.: driveway
.Manisha.: the front of the house
.Manisha.: the driveway is finally clear