Polar Noire: reach...
Polar Noire: jumeaux
Polar Noire: solid leak
Polar Noire: Plateau
Polar Noire: - - - - - - - - - -
Polar Noire: ████████████
Polar Noire: gable . crow. stepped
Polar Noire: bell tower
Polar Noire: overhead and overcast
Polar Noire: drawing water
Polar Noire: near water
Polar Noire: make-believe
Polar Noire: /°°\
Polar Noire: twilight rotor
Polar Noire: in search for...
Polar Noire: glance
Polar Noire: face to face
Polar Noire: nightfall
Polar Noire: partial eclipse of the sun
Polar Noire: ΩΩΩΩΩΩΩ
Polar Noire: wall around