parutron: homemade veggie burger yum.
parutron: snap, crackle, yum!
parutron: i know you do this too.
parutron: just my size.
parutron: this is for you dave
parutron: our kind of frittata.
parutron: asparagus, shitake, corn, and french feta.
parutron: morning after pill.
parutron: i'm only making food that has fall colors.
parutron: carrots.
parutron: cauliflower (before).
parutron: brussel sprouts.
parutron: soba noodle cakes.
parutron: leftovers.
parutron: bloody beets.
parutron: yellow beets.
parutron: soba noodle cakes.
parutron: cauliflower (after).
parutron: soba noodle cakes.
parutron: green chilli.
parutron: potato corn cilantro pancakes.
parutron: med ma-muang song kruang (aka costa lanta cashews).
parutron: kaffirgraft.
parutron: cashews + my new homemade tamarind lime (chili) soda.
parutron: frenching.
parutron: scratch and sniff screen.
parutron: i love fruits and nuts.
parutron: kulfi cube!
parutron: hi mrs. weber!!!
parutron: (king) crab chile corn and (armenian string) cheese.