Ivy R: DSC_0011
Ivy R: DSC_0016
Ivy R: DSC_0030
Ivy R: DSC_0026
Ivy R: DSC_0037
Ivy R: Practice, practice, practice
Ivy R: Trying to master the lighting....
Ivy R: Playing with temperature
Ivy R: Still practicing
Ivy R: My favorite....
Ivy R: Macro & playing with Photoshop
Ivy R: Slave flash, 60 mm
Ivy R: Macro
Ivy R: Macro
Ivy R: More Strobist lighting / macro
Ivy R: Strobist
Ivy R: Strobist
Ivy R: Strobist
Ivy R: Spices
Ivy R: Pantry
Ivy R: Tired carnation in direct sunlight
Ivy R: Red hot chili peppers ;-)
Ivy R: Ivy's bored, V2
Ivy R: Dinner
Ivy R: Dinner
Ivy R: Her project during Driver's Ed
Ivy R: Yes, I do own a planner
Ivy R: Week March 4th - Spring
Ivy R: Week March 4th - Spring
Ivy R: Week March 4th - Spring