Poisonberry WI: Grace Lutheran. I love Rose Windows!
Poisonberry WI: church #1
Poisonberry WI: capital of the column is the halfway point to the ceiling arches
Poisonberry WI: original stained glass from 1901
Poisonberry WI: refurbished altar at Grace
Poisonberry WI: organ/choir loft at Grace
Poisonberry WI: reception room at the next door building (did they call it their community center?) overlooks Grace church
Poisonberry WI: ready for a wedding reception that night
Poisonberry WI: St James Episcopal
Poisonberry WI: a sunny, quick snap... didn't realize I was in this one! hehe, look at my squinty face!
Poisonberry WI: inside St. James
Poisonberry WI: DSCN9352.JPG
Poisonberry WI: looking back
Poisonberry WI: nifty light fixture
Poisonberry WI: They bury unclaimed bodies as a service, with prayer
Poisonberry WI: this shows St James and the Milwaukee River in the stained glass, also wheat as a tribute to the beer makers
Poisonberry WI: DSCN9357.JPG
Poisonberry WI: DSCN9358.JPG
Poisonberry WI: I love the colored light that shines into the church
Poisonberry WI: protected by bars on the outside
Poisonberry WI: pulpit eagle
Poisonberry WI: the tabernacle
Poisonberry WI: Jacque Marquette statue with chapel behind
Poisonberry WI: since 1929
Poisonberry WI: Atomic chef loved to talk about the chocolates