Poisonberry WI: Day #3 create without scissors or pencils
Poisonberry WI: Day #2 use an animal as your inspiration
Poisonberry WI: Day #1 start small using only materials in your immediate environment
Poisonberry WI: Day #3.5 origami cat
Poisonberry WI: Cat-hair Poncho
Poisonberry WI: Day #6 work with the first fruit you spot in the kitchen
Poisonberry WI: bookmark
Poisonberry WI: Sponge Cat
Poisonberry WI: Dandelion Eyed Cat
Poisonberry WI: Stained Glass Cat
Poisonberry WI: Cubism Cat using Sharpie markers
Poisonberry WI: Repeated Stamp Cat
Poisonberry WI: Waffle cat, with chocolate syrup
Poisonberry WI: Cat Family Crest, pencil
Poisonberry WI: Crumple Cat. Made of a Kohl's receipt.
Poisonberry WI: yarn ball cat. appropriate, yes? ha ha.
Poisonberry WI: scarf cat
Poisonberry WI: DSCN1963
Poisonberry WI: emotional cat
Poisonberry WI: paper clip cat
Poisonberry WI: pointillism cat
Poisonberry WI: graffiti-style cat
Poisonberry WI: cat focus - motivational poster, old school cut/paste style
Poisonberry WI: Chalked Eiffel cat
Poisonberry WI: haiku cat
Poisonberry WI: DSCN1995
Poisonberry WI: Mosaic cat using foam pieces
Poisonberry WI: tessellation cat
Poisonberry WI: Cork Cat
Poisonberry WI: perler bead cat