pointytilly: Snowdrops
pointytilly: Pigsqueak and Glory of the Snow
pointytilly: Stray poppies
pointytilly: This is some sort of coneflower.
pointytilly: Greeen, take 2
pointytilly: Green leaves
pointytilly: Growing daylily
pointytilly: I'm gonna stab you
pointytilly: Sedge
pointytilly: Sharp Brothers
pointytilly: Leafprint in sidewalk
pointytilly: LENS FLAAARE
pointytilly: Paperbark maple
pointytilly: Paperbark maple leaves
pointytilly: The one good snowfall of 2006
pointytilly: Diggy thing
pointytilly: More ice crystals
pointytilly: Ice crystals
pointytilly: Sunrise
pointytilly: A view through the window...
pointytilly: Long drive...
pointytilly: Long drive with sun
pointytilly: Blue.
pointytilly: Pussywillows
pointytilly: Alien pods
pointytilly: Dramatic shadow?
pointytilly: Bleeding heart
pointytilly: Tiny flowers
pointytilly: Chives
pointytilly: Sedge, take 3