pointytilly: Headshot!
pointytilly: Still more Hiou
pointytilly: Hiou roar
pointytilly: It's the /Zero ending
pointytilly: There will be a quiz tomorrow.
pointytilly: LENS FLARE HIOU!
pointytilly: Guess what came in the mail yesterday?
pointytilly: Kingbaron and Winglider
pointytilly: Blue Liger Zero
pointytilly: Liger Zero Phoenix, "Terrestrial Mode"
pointytilly: Gradeups and rug, take two
pointytilly: Old photo of Shield Liger
pointytilly: Gradeups stalk the rug
pointytilly: Shieldy Mk.II wants to play too
pointytilly: More pianoliger
pointytilly: FACEPLANT
pointytilly: Another headshot?
pointytilly: Plated Jäger, quick after-build shot
pointytilly: boosters boosters boosters boosters
pointytilly: Jäger, boosters open
pointytilly: Hayate Liger in sepiatone
pointytilly: Hayate Liger stares
pointytilly: KFM Panzer
pointytilly: Revenge!
pointytilly: Saberlion goes STOMP
pointytilly: Mini Leoblazes
pointytilly: Nightshot Leostriker
pointytilly: Christmas 2007 Zoids
pointytilly: Whee.