pointybunny: puppet heads
pointybunny: female ningyo
pointybunny: male ningyo
pointybunny: DSC00147
pointybunny: dancers
pointybunny: DSC00145
pointybunny: bridge
pointybunny: DSC00159
pointybunny: Lake Okutama
pointybunny: capsule machines
pointybunny: Happy Clean Up
pointybunny: Asakusa Shrine
pointybunny: Asakusa
pointybunny: Asakusa shrine
pointybunny: Asakusa
pointybunny: Asakusa and Taka
pointybunny: maingate
pointybunny: Parade Samurai
pointybunny: Parade guys
pointybunny: Parade ladies
pointybunny: Tiny Pagoda
pointybunny: Taka at Asakusa
pointybunny: Amusement park houses
pointybunny: shopping
pointybunny: UFO Machine
pointybunny: Osaka View
pointybunny: The Big Crab
pointybunny: Dotunburi
pointybunny: Happy Crab