pointnshoot: 139/366 Leafhopper
pointnshoot: 129/365 Backswimmer (Notonectidae)
pointnshoot: 338/365 Leafhopper found on Trader Joe's Organic Romaine Lettuce leaf
pointnshoot: 100/365 Face of the Boxelder bug
pointnshoot: 115/365 Texas bed bug (Hemiptera) (Cimicidae)
pointnshoot: Leafhopper on sunflower leaf
pointnshoot: Leafhopper and funnel web spider
pointnshoot: Milkweed bug nymph on Milkweed
pointnshoot: Leafhopper
pointnshoot: Leafhopper nymph
pointnshoot: 111/365 Leafhopper
pointnshoot: Stink Bug
pointnshoot: 237/365 Large milkweed bug nymph (Oncopeltus fasciatus)
pointnshoot: Milkweed bug (Oncopeltus fasciatus) nymph on Narrowleaf Milkweed (Asclepias fascicularis)
pointnshoot: Spider and Leafhopper
pointnshoot: 162/366 Leafhopper
pointnshoot: 191/365 Zelus renardii (leafhopper assassin bug)
pointnshoot: Leafhopper (Hemiptera) (Cicadellidae)
pointnshoot: Assassin Bug (Zelus sp.)
pointnshoot: Wax Scale (Ceroplastes sp.) on Coyote brush (Baccharis pilularis)
pointnshoot: 339/365 Western Boxelder Bug (Boisea rubrolineata) Rhopalidae Hemiptera
pointnshoot: Western Boxelder Bug nymph (Boisea rubrolineata) Rhopalidae Hemiptera
pointnshoot: Crown Whitefly (Aleuroplatus coronata)
pointnshoot: Rough Stink Bug
pointnshoot: Rough Stink Bug
pointnshoot: Rough Stink Bug
pointnshoot: 81/365 Insect nymph (Psylloidea)
pointnshoot: 82/365 Leafhopper
pointnshoot: Winged aphid caught in a spiders web
pointnshoot: 88/365 Unidentified Heteroptera nymph