pointnshoot: 225/365 Unkown
pointnshoot: 228/365 I found this little guy crawling on my arm
pointnshoot: Little bug on my porch
pointnshoot: dead pill bug
pointnshoot: Millipede?
pointnshoot: 137/366 Face of an earwig
pointnshoot: 284/366 Corn Earworm
pointnshoot: 133/365 A bug in a thistle
pointnshoot: Love in a flower
pointnshoot: Bug on my shirt
pointnshoot: The hungry caterpillar
pointnshoot: Centipede
pointnshoot: California oakworm (Phryganidia californica)
pointnshoot: Caterpillar
pointnshoot: Ant and caterpillar
pointnshoot: 127/365 Nymph
pointnshoot: 132/365 Ecdysis
pointnshoot: 147/365
pointnshoot: BH2D1898
pointnshoot: Dead bug
pointnshoot: 306/365 Termite
pointnshoot: 315/365 Larva 4x life size
pointnshoot: 28/366 Mayfly
pointnshoot: DA0T8337