Pog's pix: Leafhopper nymph? Thanks to Sandra-Photographie for the possible ID
Pog's pix: A selection of hoppers! Thanks to jel 1969 and Martin Brown for IDs
Pog's pix: Hopper (Tachycixius pilosus---thanks to joe with a camera for ID)
Pog's pix: Leafhopper
Pog's pix: Leafhopper (Eupteryx aurata---thanks to joe with a camera for the ID)
Pog's pix: Grasshopper
Pog's pix: Grasshopper
Pog's pix: Grasshopper
Pog's pix: Grasshopper
Pog's pix: Hanging in there (probably common green grasshopper, Omocestus viridulus---thank you to Ashley_Wood for the ID), possibly infected with a fungal pathogen (thanks to Michael Skelton2011 for the info)
Pog's pix: A hopper nymph
Pog's pix: Hopper
Pog's pix: Mr toothbrush bum
Pog's pix: Hopper
Pog's pix: Leafhopper (Evacanthus interruptus; thanks to rockwolf for the ID)
Pog's pix: Tiny hopper
Pog's pix: Grasshopper
Pog's pix: Grasshopper (probably Omocestus viridulus, thanks to Ashley Wood for the ID)
Pog's pix: Grasshopper
Pog's pix: Smile...Monday is nearly over!
Pog's pix: Bugs behaving badly!
Pog's pix: Yes?
Pog's pix: Ahh, grasshopper
Pog's pix: Froghopper on rust
Pog's pix: Chirrup...
Pog's pix: Grasshopper