Pog's pix: Slime mould (thanks to STVPX and jel 1969 for ID)
Pog's pix: Lichen (Rhizocarpon geographicum; thanks to aburgh for the ID)
Pog's pix: Cladonia sp. (cup lichen; family Cladoniaceae)
Pog's pix: Cladonia fimbriata (thanks to aburgh for the ID)
Pog's pix: Sporangiophore in the evening light
Pog's pix: Sporangiophores
Pog's pix: Sporangiophore silhouette
Pog's pix: Spider and slime mould
Pog's pix: Fungus
Pog's pix: Slime mould?
Pog's pix: Mushrooms
Pog's pix: Jelly ear fungus
Pog's pix: Water droplets
Pog's pix: Yellow Brain fungus (thanks STVPX for ID)
Pog's pix: Scarlet elf cup
Pog's pix: Fungus
Pog's pix: Turkeytail fungus
Pog's pix: Minishroom
Pog's pix: Medusa-style fungus
Pog's pix: A cracking fungus! (Earthball, Scleroderma---thank you to andyh400 for the ID)
Pog's pix: Amethyst deceiver (Laccaria amethystea)
Pog's pix: Mushrooms (Porcelain fungus, Oudemansiella mucida) on beech tree; thanks to STVPX for the ID
Pog's pix: Hung drawn and quartered?
Pog's pix: Fungi
Pog's pix: Scarlet elf cup (Sarcoscypha coccinea)
Pog's pix: Jelly fungus
Pog's pix: Mushroom
Pog's pix: Frozen slime mould
Pog's pix: Slime mould
Pog's pix: Thank crunchie it's Friday :)