Pog's pix:
The goldsmiths: making gold! (Reed (leaf) beetles, probably Plateumaris sp; thanks to rockwolf! and thaptor for the ID)
Pog's pix:
Weevil (possibly Apion sp, thanks to Eddie the Bugman for the possible ID; possibly Perapion violaceum, thanks to Rockwolf for the possible ID.)
Pog's pix:
Fit to burst! Green dock beetle (Gastrophysa viridula)---thanks to thaptor for confirming ID
Pog's pix:
Thrips on primrose (thanks to Simon Robson and botanical illustrator Hans de Vries for the IDs)
Pog's pix:
Small brown beetle (Flea beetle? or Cyphon padi, family Scirtidae, Thanks to jel 1969, rockwolf and thaptor for possible ID)
Pog's pix:
Dung beetle (Aphodius rufipes? or Aphodius depressus---thanks to thaptor for possible ID)