poetwee: Heritage rose, from cutting
poetwee: Heritage rose, grown from cutting
poetwee: more tide pool!
poetwee: puddle, Middlesex Fells
poetwee: shoreline, Otter Point
poetwee: shoreline, Otter Point
poetwee: tide pool
poetwee: seaweed & snails
poetwee: rock and kelp
poetwee: kelp at Thunder Hole
poetwee: My roses have started blooming! Yahtzee.
poetwee: Nuthin' but a "G" thang, baby.
poetwee: Vacation day street view, feat. new bike lane.
poetwee: Made what appears to be either a fox- or bear-shaped pancake.
poetwee: 1,000x yes.
poetwee: Steps. #nofilter
poetwee: Safety first!
poetwee: Granada.
poetwee: Mr. and Mrs. Squashy, post-thinning.
poetwee: e.g., whiskey
poetwee: Butternut squash seedlings!
poetwee: To-transplant queue. I may have gone a bit nuts...
poetwee: Newest addition.
poetwee: Gangsta?
poetwee: living room, post-reconfig
poetwee: living room, post-reconfig
poetwee: living room, post-reconfig
poetwee: Girl you know it's true.