Photography by Sharon Farrell: "Inside the Hermès Staircase"
Photography by Sharon Farrell: "As Fragile as Light"
Photography by Sharon Farrell: "One of New York's Oldest Streets"
Photography by Sharon Farrell: "What Lurks Below"
Photography by Sharon Farrell: "The Iconic Staple Street Skybridge"
Photography by Sharon Farrell: "A New York Stairscape"
Photography by Sharon Farrell: "Grand Staircase at the Library"
Photography by Sharon Farrell: "The Most Beautiful Fire Escape in Philly"
Photography by Sharon Farrell: "Flight of the Bumble Bee"
Photography by Sharon Farrell: "Five Bridges" - EXPLORED
Photography by Sharon Farrell: "For Sylvia Plath"
Photography by Sharon Farrell: "This Moment Was Everything..."