César Augusto:
I´ve lived as many sunsets as fingers I have dirtied ...
César Augusto:
"No matter: they crossed our paths, sometimes sat at the same table, and even believed in the sweet torture of love."
César Augusto:
and I would leave in a voluntary serene gesture, consented and without history ... / e eu partiria num gesto voluntário e sereno consentido e sem história.
César Augusto:
All through the night the sky leavened the words said the day before you left as a balloon sweated by the hand of God...
César Augusto:
Ainda estou com o inesgotável fulgor das palavras, que continuamente, te carregaram para dentro de mim...
César Augusto:
We are only beginning when the sky extends its arms of melted light on our backs, opened for the silence of the end of the afternoon....
César Augusto:
" vivo di questa gioia / malata di universo / e soffro / di non saperla / accendere / nelle mie / parole."
César Augusto:
César Augusto:
The light comes on but nothing else happens...
César Augusto:
"Under the skin, small arsonists wires in its untiring games lean on our memory. Shaking our look"
César Augusto:
When you call me, my face is a balloon filling with fever...
César Augusto:
The sea want pick me up and measure my improbably body...
César Augusto:
Behind them a powerful light catch their movements...
César Augusto:
"Perdeu o último combóio naquele meio-dia."
César Augusto:
"Diria que as mãos se fundem no derradeiro /reduto da sombra, "
César Augusto:
"Fabricava sombras/chinesas, decorativas e pontualmente comunhões,"
César Augusto:
"Chuva de ouro e mel /ainda que não te veja "
César Augusto:
"Vou-me sentar aqui, respirar até doer/as coisas possíveis nunca reais, " - "I’m going to sit right here, breathe possible/but inevitably unreal things until it hurts,"
César Augusto:
" What do the explorers,/ the wayfarers, pilgrims we’d thought had long since disappeared, "
César Augusto:
"They walk by outside way as if the time was the only acquired certainty."
César Augusto:
Between them and the sun only one way exists: theirs immediate solitude’s dissolution.