ianholton: Small Shop
ianholton: Seating
ianholton: Bobby, DoDo and his wife
ianholton: Me and the cute DJane
ianholton: Drunk Bobby
ianholton: Bobby under ChangHong
ianholton: Me and myself #5
ianholton: DoDo and Bobby
ianholton: Me and DoDo
ianholton: Bobby and the unnamed dancer
ianholton: Rock&Roll
ianholton: Bobby and the Pancake-guy
ianholton: Small shop owner and me
ianholton: Small shop owner and Bobby #2
ianholton: Small shop owner and Bobby
ianholton: Bobby and me
ianholton: Gangstas
ianholton: Beer, Coke and BaiJiu
ianholton: Small shop
ianholton: Me at Kai bar after a few drinks
ianholton: Fish & Chips
ianholton: IMG_0632.JPG
ianholton: IMG_0633.JPG
ianholton: IMG_0634.JPG
ianholton: IMG_0635.JPG
ianholton: IMG_0636.JPG
ianholton: IMG_0637.JPG
ianholton: IMG_0638.JPG
ianholton: IMG_0641.JPG
ianholton: IMG_0643.JPG