poeks: Kitteh!
poeks: Another sufferer of kittenboobitis.
poeks: Way to go, America. You're gonna know about contractions soon enough. *drops mic*
poeks: Don't touch--they are extremely contagious.
poeks: The presents
poeks: Two Too Tall Taylors
poeks: I'm 91, and I will eat this cupcake if I want.
poeks: Good story
poeks: Gnome house spotted in my parents' backyard.
poeks: Pretty sure she's not faking it now.
poeks: My mom and some of her pottery wares.
poeks: Too hot kitteh #latermeow
poeks: Devunzel!
poeks: A sophisticated, contemplative pipe.
poeks: Sunset
poeks: Pretty self-explanatory.
poeks: It was a bit touch and go, but I succeeded in not dropping newborn Rose.
poeks: This is the newest baby I have ever known. She pretty much just happened.
poeks: These are all words, yes. Together, though, they do not form a thing.
poeks: Pretty sure I skipped right to this section. I advise mentally preparing yourself for the imminent then/now sequence.
poeks: I had this book as a little girl and loved drawing the animals in it. I'm excited to draw them all again.
poeks: Silvia the sloth's swell! Thanks @caseorganic!
poeks: Invisible dentist
poeks: Born Without a Butthole, a Lifetime Original starring Meredith Baxter.
poeks: Catch-22: the best cure for illness is video games, but if you don't have a proper gaming computer, how can you play video games and hence get well? The correct answer is to almost faint while putting together a computer but thankfully not brick the mothe
poeks: Photo
poeks: Very wistful seesawing.
poeks: StepChange 4 lyfe
poeks: I don't understand anything about this photo.
poeks: Surely there is a better way to say "bike lane merges" than this novela.