poeks: So and so is right where you left him last.
poeks: So and so starts orientation later today.
poeks: So and so is waiting for snow.
poeks: So and so is being rocked to sleep by the Adriatic.
poeks: So and so has lots to do today.
poeks: So and so is on the way to a movie.
poeks: So and so has blisters on his hands from rocking so hard.
poeks: So and so hearts snow days.
poeks: So and so needs a vacation.
poeks: So and so is performing mindless, repetitive tasks.
poeks: So and so is working and working and working.
poeks: So and so is wondering how to become a UFOlogist.
poeks: So and So is the Green Man
poeks: So and so is not going to take any drastic measures until tomorrow
poeks: So and so misses her mom.
poeks: So and so is beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
poeks: So and so denkt zu viel nach.
poeks: So and so is furniture for cats.
poeks: So and so is updating her Facebook status.
poeks: So and so has the plague.
poeks: So and so is craving very spicy food.
poeks: So and so is feeling craptastic.
poeks: So and so is an elephant seal.
poeks: So and so is meat and potatoes.
poeks: So and so is preparing the shop to open for a lonely, rainy day.