poco-cocoa: Cava with hibiscus flowers in syrup
poco-cocoa: Rachel reluctantly ironing Logan's shirt
poco-cocoa: Me getting ready for NYE
poco-cocoa: Justin and a cup of punch
poco-cocoa: Mindy making drinks
poco-cocoa: Rachel and Justin
poco-cocoa: David and Jenna
poco-cocoa: Mindy & Rachel
poco-cocoa: Girls with pink moustaches are HOT.
poco-cocoa: Rachel and her pink moustache
poco-cocoa: Justin, being sly
poco-cocoa: Rachel & Justin
poco-cocoa: Punch bowls at David and Joe's
poco-cocoa: Justin being spooky with an Irish coffee
poco-cocoa: Logan and some red wine
poco-cocoa: Bryan & Justin
poco-cocoa: Bryan & Jason's NYE party
poco-cocoa: Justin, Rachel & Brent
poco-cocoa: Bryan & Jason's NYE party
poco-cocoa: Logan, Rachel & Justin
poco-cocoa: Justin on New Year's Day
poco-cocoa: Homeslice on New Year's Day
poco-cocoa: Shoes, double exposed
poco-cocoa: Homeslice on New Year's Day