Bllevy: sort of creepy
Bllevy: crazy sheep
Bllevy: awww
Bllevy: awww again
Bllevy: DSCN3099~
Bllevy: angora rabbits
Bllevy: lili wants one
Bllevy: they were wearing little coats
Bllevy: nice crate + creepy figurines made out of wool
Bllevy: lili and creepy figurine
Bllevy: TJ and creepy figurine
Bllevy: so many of these sheep look fake
Bllevy: taking a break
Bllevy: TJ + little goats
Bllevy: van goat!
Bllevy: don't ask me
Bllevy: felt bear + salmon
Bllevy: crazy felt dinosaur
Bllevy: TJ + alpaca
Bllevy: nice writing