tanned and poached: Fishing Boat
tanned and poached: Looking Ahead
tanned and poached: Mt Santubong
tanned and poached: Sabril, Again
tanned and poached: First Hermit Crab
tanned and poached: Beautiful Lines
tanned and poached: Typical Trail
tanned and poached: What's That?
tanned and poached: Army of Ants
tanned and poached: Extra-Terrestial
tanned and poached: Pitcher Plant... Finally!
tanned and poached: Young Pitcher Plants
tanned and poached: Lovely Weather!
tanned and poached: Craggy Hermit Crab
tanned and poached: Cute Hermit Crab
tanned and poached: Scuttling Crab
tanned and poached: Running Water
tanned and poached: Telok Delima
tanned and poached: Glimpse of Tummy