pnd.bethell: Tree Silhouette
pnd.bethell: A Ponga Fern Leaf Unfurls
pnd.bethell: Passionfruit Tendril
pnd.bethell: Passion Fruit Tendril
pnd.bethell: Nature's Dried Arrangements
pnd.bethell: Fern Frond
pnd.bethell: Beautiful Serene Scene...
pnd.bethell: Tree With Character
pnd.bethell: Nature Provided Us With Something Different To Photograph...
pnd.bethell: Toadstool
pnd.bethell: Our First Few Louisa Plums
pnd.bethell: The First Fruit On Our Tamarillo Tree
pnd.bethell: Ponga Tree Silhouette
pnd.bethell: Autumn Leaves
pnd.bethell: A Tree Minus Most Of It's Leaves
pnd.bethell: Near Naked Plum Tree Branch
pnd.bethell: Apricot Bough Silhouette
pnd.bethell: Ponga Fern
pnd.bethell: Playing With The Flash...
pnd.bethell: Unfurling Fronds
pnd.bethell: Standing Tall...
pnd.bethell: Flax Silhouette
pnd.bethell: New Growth
pnd.bethell: Trees With Character
pnd.bethell: Trees With Character
pnd.bethell: Trees With Character
pnd.bethell: Trees With Character
pnd.bethell: This Pohutukawa Is So Old It's Grown A Beard
pnd.bethell: I Have A Wooden Heart That Refuses To Stop Beating...
pnd.bethell: The Constant Winds Have Caused Me To List A Little....