Phil Wollenberg: Monkey Head Nebula
Phil Wollenberg: Rim Nebula / Fighting Dragons
Phil Wollenberg: The Cone Nebula/Christmas Tree Cluster
Phil Wollenberg: Pelican/North American Nebula
Phil Wollenberg: Lower's Nebula
Phil Wollenberg: NGC 3293
Phil Wollenberg: Vela Nebula Core
Phil Wollenberg: Eagle Nebula M16
Phil Wollenberg: Spiral Cluster (M34)
Phil Wollenberg: Southern Pinwheel Galaxy (M83)
Phil Wollenberg: 2024 Eclipse - Cleveland
Phil Wollenberg: 2024 Eclipse - Cleveland, OH
Phil Wollenberg: California Nebula (NGC1499)
Phil Wollenberg: M78 Diffuse Reflection Nebula
Phil Wollenberg: NGC 1433
Phil Wollenberg: Rosette Nebula
Phil Wollenberg: NGC 2020/2032 in the LMC
Phil Wollenberg: NGC 7727 Galaxy Merger
Phil Wollenberg: The Nose of the Witch Head Nebula (IC 2118)
Phil Wollenberg: Flaming Star Nebula (IC 405)
Phil Wollenberg: Crescent Nebula (NGC 6888)
Phil Wollenberg: Eastern Veil Nebula
Phil Wollenberg: Gamma Cygni Nebula (IC 1318)
Phil Wollenberg: Lagoon Nebula (M8)
Phil Wollenberg: Great Globular Cluster in Hercules (M13)
Phil Wollenberg: Eagle Nebula M16
Phil Wollenberg: Globular Cluster M5
Phil Wollenberg: M81 and M82
Phil Wollenberg: Pinwheel Galaxy M101 and SuperNova 2023ixf
Phil Wollenberg: Rosette Nebula in Ha