frnotrl: The sign makes it Official
frnotrl: Tim's truck still on the trailer
frnotrl: Kevin's on the ground
frnotrl: Tim's truck still on the trailer
frnotrl: Morgan's M-37
frnotrl: Kevin's museum piece
frnotrl: Kevin's museum piece
frnotrl: Tim's new ride
frnotrl: Tim's new ride
frnotrl: Have tank will start
frnotrl: That's a big Trailer
frnotrl: Yeah, it's got a Hemi ;o)
frnotrl: Ok, maybe not
frnotrl: Bling Blingm makes it go faster
frnotrl: More polish
frnotrl: How many guys does it take to replace a windshield?
frnotrl: partially loaded
frnotrl: Five
frnotrl: Duct tape - can't leave home without it
frnotrl: WC and a whole bunch of cab's
frnotrl: WC - very nice truck!!
frnotrl: Need a wrecker
frnotrl: Panel
frnotrl: M-37's waiting patiently
frnotrl: What we brought home