Phil McDonel: SonomaLakeOverlook2-2018-LR
Phil McDonel: SonomaLakeOverlook1-2018-LR
Phil McDonel: OakHillFarm-3-2018LR
Phil McDonel: OakHillFarm-2018Lr
Phil McDonel: OakHillFarm-2-2018LR
Phil McDonel: OliversMarket - After the Rain
Phil McDonel: Railcars at Asti-Spread
Phil McDonel: Thompson Barn
Phil McDonel: Foppiano tasting room
Phil McDonel: Bodega Bay Gray
Phil McDonel: Jack London State Park stone barn
Phil McDonel: Marin French Cheese Company
Phil McDonel: Old Bodega School
Phil McDonel: Last Saturday or sketch group, Ready, Set, Sketch, went to Duncans Mills, CA, for a day of sketching and painting. This painting was from Saturday’s outing, but needed a bit of re-working when I got home. Oil on canvas panel, 10 x 12”:
Phil McDonel: SawMill-HB2019LR–SOLD
Phil McDonel: Truck1redo-AValley-WTCL-2020
Phil McDonel: Barn Westside WC-2020-LR
Phil McDonel: Mendocino Coast-2020
Phil McDonel: Bodega Marina-WTCL-2020
Phil McDonel: Junk Yard, Cloverdale
Phil McDonel: Bee&Blooms-Lavndr-21
Phil McDonel: RRBridge-RussianRiver copyLR
Phil McDonel: Bastoni Vineyards
Phil McDonel: HB Ridge trail
Phil McDonel: Riverfront Park
Phil McDonel: Boat Rental
Phil McDonel: Pt. Cabrillo LIght