pmarkham: Str. American Victory
pmarkham: DSC_0555.jpg
pmarkham: DSC_0547.jpg
pmarkham: North Shore Anniversary Trip - Steamer Amercian Victory - April/May 2016
pmarkham: Duluth Superior Trip - April 2018 - SS American Victory Now Part of the Canadian Algoma Fleet
pmarkham: Duluth Superior Trip - April 2018 - SS American Victory Now Part of the Canadian Algoma Fleet
pmarkham: Duluth Superior Trip - April 2018 - SS American Victory Now Part of the Canadian Algoma Fleet
pmarkham: Duluth Superior Trip - April 2018 - SS American Victory Now Part of the Canadian Algoma Fleet
pmarkham: Duluth Superior Trip - April 2018 - SS American Victory Now Part of the Canadian Algoma Fleet
pmarkham: Duluth Superior Trip - April 2018 - SS American Victory Now Part of the Canadian Algoma Fleet