Paul Marfell: Fish in the pond
Paul Marfell: Moorhen and chick
Paul Marfell: Moorhen Chick
Paul Marfell: Moorhen
Paul Marfell: Newt and tadpoles
Paul Marfell: Large Red Damselflies mating
Paul Marfell: Large Red Damselflies
Paul Marfell: Azure Damselfly laying eggs
Paul Marfell: Large Red Damselfly
Paul Marfell: Banded Demoiselle
Paul Marfell: Mayfly
Paul Marfell: Male Bullfinch
Paul Marfell: Juvenile Blackcap
Paul Marfell: Flies with slow shutter
Paul Marfell: Flies
Paul Marfell: Duckling
Paul Marfell: Speckled Wood butterfly
Paul Marfell: Orange tip
Paul Marfell: Comma Butterfly
Paul Marfell: Looking up Hollins Hill
Paul Marfell: Walker/runners
Paul Marfell: Horse riders
Paul Marfell: Zoomed in down river
Paul Marfell: View downriver. Heron and Goosander just visible
Paul Marfell: View up river from Buck Lane foorbridge