Paul Marfell: Lapwing catching the evening Sun, Baildon Moor
Paul Marfell: Lapwing catching the evening Sun
Paul Marfell: A lone Golden Plover about to join the others. Baildon Moor
Paul Marfell: Golden Plovers amongst the mole hills
Paul Marfell: Golden Plovers in the meadows by Baildon Moor
Paul Marfell: Golden Plovers. Baildon Moor.
Paul Marfell: Golden Plovers flying to another part of the field.
Paul Marfell: Rabbit, Baildon Moor. In the evening Sun.
Paul Marfell: Male Pheasant way in the distance.
Paul Marfell: 1 male and 7 female Pheasants.
Paul Marfell: The sun has gone. Baildon Moor looking towards Oxenhope.
Paul Marfell: The setting sun lighting up the vapour trail
Paul Marfell: The moon through my new lens