Paul Mags: Ruin Canyon.
Paul Mags: The T-sha[ed door is found throughout the Ancient Puebloan world.
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Paul Mags: Sunset in Ruin Canyon
Paul Mags: Archeoastronomical petroglyphs are prevalent.
Paul Mags: Outlier from Hovenweep. An almost 12 mile r/t hike is available right from the campground.
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Paul Mags: Ha! I just realized I took the almost identical shot both to and from my camping spot. :)
Paul Mags: Back along the hiking trail.
Paul Mags: Cajon outlier.
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Paul Mags: Painted Hand Pueblo in the Canyon of The Ancients NM
Paul Mags: A well marked trail. The Pueblo is behind the sign.
Paul Mags: The very faint Painted Hands.
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Paul Mags: Cutthroat Castle. A
Paul Mags: Masonry at the Lowery Pueblo.
Paul Mags: A great Kiva at the Lowery Pueblo. Hopi elders think these stone formations represent winter and summer people.
Paul Mags: One last night at the campground. Looking towards the Sleeping Ute formation.
Paul Mags: A Hovenweep visit is not complte without some raven shots!
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Paul Mags: One last sunset stroll.
Paul Mags: Boulder House.