plymouths: Keiun the audiophile
plymouths: Cranky Hoshi observes Keiun
plymouths: Keiun emerges from hiding
plymouths: Bitty Keiun crawls out from under bureau while Hoshi looks on
plymouths: Bitty Keiun crawls out from under bureau
plymouths: The kitties! They be toleratin' each other!
plymouths: Stalk!
plymouths: Keiun LIKES her bag
plymouths: Keiun is *flomp*
plymouths: Keiun in a bag
plymouths: Keiun is camoflaged!
plymouths: Keiun thinks she is silverware
plymouths: Keiun thinks she is a shoe
plymouths: Kitties do not get along!
plymouths: Keiun perches on scratching post
plymouths: bowl shaped cat
plymouths: What?
plymouths: I has a sunbeam!
plymouths: dangling toy
plymouths: recycled cat
plymouths: windowsill cat
plymouths: three kitties and the auros
plymouths: three kitties on the bed
plymouths: the return of shoulder kitty
plymouths: staring kitties on the bed...
plymouths: baskat
plymouths: hiding behind feet 2
plymouths: hiding behind feet...
plymouths: armcat3
plymouths: armcat2