Plymouth History: Palace Theatre 50th anniversary programme
Plymouth History: Palace Theatre programme cover "Mother Goose"
Plymouth History: Palace Theatre – Anna Pavlova Programme
Plymouth History: Palace Theatre ticket for "Mother Goose"
Plymouth History: Palace Theatre programme
Plymouth History: Palace Theatre programme cover, flamenco dancer
Plymouth History: Palace Theatre "Folies Bergere Revue" Programme
Plymouth History: Palace Theatre programme cover "Folies Bergere Revue”
Plymouth History: Palace Theatre programme cover for "Babes in the Wood”
Plymouth History: Palace theatre programme
Plymouth History: Palace Theatre programme listing, George Formby
Plymouth History: Palace Theatre programme interior, featuring Louis Armstrong
Plymouth History: Palace Theatre programme cover "Vaudeville"
Plymouth History: Silk programme for "Mayflower Night" at the Palace
Plymouth History: Palace Theatre Programme Cover, "King's Rhapsody"
Plymouth History: Palace Theatre copper printing plate
Plymouth History: Playbill featuring Arthur English and Eddie Gray
Plymouth History: Palace Theatre playbill featuring Arthur Lucan
Plymouth History: Caricature of one of the Fred Karno Company
Plymouth History: Arch at Palace Theatre
Plymouth History: Light Bracket
Plymouth History: Palace theatre "Safety Curtain"
Plymouth History: Palace Theatre private box, right of stage
Plymouth History: Palace Theatre exterior view from Union Street
Plymouth History: Palace Theatre exterior view, upper section
Plymouth History: Palace Theatre interior view of upstairs lounge area
Plymouth History: Palace Theatre interior view of private box
Plymouth History: Palace Theatre exterior view of upper section frontage
Plymouth History: Palace Theatre interior view of seating
Plymouth History: Palace Theatre interior view of seating