Plusea: SIDeR conference
Plusea: Mathias Nordvall
Plusea: Nunzia Coco
Plusea: Nunzia Coco
Plusea: CIID
Plusea: Zach Lieberman
Plusea: Lunch
Plusea: How to make a textile sensor from scratch workshop
Plusea: How to make a textile sensor from scratch workshop
Plusea: How to make a textile sensor from scratch workshop
Plusea: How to make a textile sensor from scratch workshop
Plusea: How to make a textile sensor from scratch workshop
Plusea: How to make a textile sensor from scratch workshop
Plusea: How to make a textile sensor from scratch workshop
Plusea: How to make a textile sensor from scratch workshop
Plusea: How to make a textile sensor from scratch workshop
Plusea: How to make a textile sensor from scratch workshop
Plusea: How to make a textile sensor from scratch workshop
Plusea: How to make a textile sensor from scratch workshop
Plusea: Hunting reindeer
Plusea: Hunting reindeer
Plusea: Hunting reindeer
Plusea: Swedish wilderness dinner
Plusea: Swedish wilderness dinner
Plusea: Swedish wilderness dinner
Plusea: Swedish wilderness dinner
Plusea: Lunch
Plusea: 2.1% lager
Plusea: Erik Stolterman
Plusea: 5-axis CNC