pluralzed: Young larch cone
pluralzed: Young Sessile Oak leaves (Quercus petraea)
pluralzed: small leaved elm? (Ulmus minor?)
pluralzed: Wych Elm - Ulmus glabra
pluralzed: Goat Willow catkin - Salix caprea L.
pluralzed: Fern-leaved Beech (Fagus sylvatica 'Asplenifolia')
pluralzed: Unidentified tree near the Ridgeway, between Uffington Castle and Fox Hill
pluralzed: Apple
pluralzed: Blackthorn blossom and new leaves
pluralzed: Horse Chestnut leaves burst forth
pluralzed: Hawthorn Blossom (Crataegus oxyacantha)
pluralzed: Holly with berries
pluralzed: Holly in the snow
pluralzed: Young larch cone
pluralzed: Sallow flower
pluralzed: Willow flower
pluralzed: Young pine cone
pluralzed: Willow-Leaved Pear
pluralzed: Male pine flowers SD 957 311
pluralzed: Walnut tree - Bossington
pluralzed: Walnut tree - Bossington
pluralzed: Yew tree in Porlock churchyard
pluralzed: Sweet chestnut - leaves and flowers
pluralzed: Oak leaves - Moor Wood
pluralzed: Guelder Rose (Viburnum opulus)
pluralzed: Wayfaring Tree (Viburnum lantana)
pluralzed: Wayfaring Tree (Viburnum lantana)
pluralzed: Guelder Rose (Voburnum opulus)
pluralzed: Tartarian Maple (Acer tataricum)
pluralzed: Tartarian Maple (Acer tataricum)