plump: IMG_1185
plump: IMG_1184
plump: IMG_1183
plump: IMG_1182
plump: IMG_1181
plump: IMG_1180
plump: snake and junglelike
plump: jungleicious
plump: this is when the photoshoot moved outside
plump: snake wrap
plump: Jungle fever
plump: the trio Jungle queens
plump: this is just the begining...
plump: Libery birthday girl snake
plump: and so the magic begins
plump: Teeeeenie
plump: yay jungle
plump: sleepy time
plump: prehandshake
plump: fuzzy ball feel
plump: finess
plump: pretty
plump: look at my pea size head everyone!
plump: very exciting
plump: chinese Carrie
plump: ahhh!
plump: cons
plump: scariest panguin wanna be killer whale