stash for good: Organic Hearts for Haiti Coat
stash for good: fiona's top in allhemp 3
stash for good: free knit eggs patterns
stash for good: hemp pas de valse
stash for good: two summer dress
stash for good: Organic Two Summer Sundress
stash for good: organic two summer sundress
stash for good: Chinese Waves Dishcloth
stash for good: Hemp Dishcloths
stash for good: Moss Stitch Cap
stash for good: Organic Baby Poncho
stash for good: canapa palette
stash for good: Front View with Cardigan
stash for good: Georgia's dress with cardi
stash for good: Georgia's Back View with Cardi
stash for good: Ava's Dress with the cardigan
stash for good: Ava's Dress with Cardigan
stash for good: IMG_0164
stash for good: Size 6 Robe D'ete with American Girl version
stash for good: robe d'ete size 6, with Heather Ross
stash for good: Two Summer Sundress Take 2
stash for good: Two Summer Sun Dress
stash for good: shrug for Lauren
stash for good: shrug for Lauren
stash for good: hat for papa
stash for good: hat for papa
stash for good: Go Hawks!
stash for good: Go Hawks!
stash for good: Sticking to my plan to finish up all knitting project before I start new ones ;).
stash for good: Sticking to my plan to finish up all knitting project before I start new ones ;).