plsmart: Delta Nats - "Birds on the Bay" casual birding
plsmart: Delta Nats - "Birds on the Bay" casual birding
plsmart: American Wigeon m&f (Anas americana)
plsmart: Delta Nats - "Birds on the Bay" casual birding
plsmart: Delta Nats - "Birds on the Bay" casual birding
plsmart: Delta Nats - "Birds on the Bay" casual birding
plsmart: Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)
plsmart: Greater yellowlegs m&f - springtime antics; pair matches their gate as they race across the mudflats (Tringa melanoleuca)
plsmart: Greater yellowlegs m&f - springtime antics; pair matches their gate as they race across the mudflats (Tringa melanoleuca)
plsmart: Greater yellowlegs m&f - springtime antics; pair matches their gate as they race across the mudflats (Tringa melanoleuca)
plsmart: Greater yellowlegs m&f - springtime antics; pair tests flight synchronization (Tringa melanoleuca)
plsmart: Greater yellowlegs m&f - springtime antics; pair tests flight synchronization (Tringa melanoleuca)
plsmart: Green-winged Teals (Anas crecca)
plsmart: Mallards - hen chatting up the drakes (Anas platyrhynchos)
plsmart: Delta Nats - "Birds on the Bay" casual birding
plsmart: Spotted Towhee (Pipilo maculatus)
plsmart: Red-winged Blackbird m. (Agelaius phoeniceus)
plsmart: Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)
plsmart: The watcher - Anna`s Hummingbird m. (Calypte anna)