Plonq: 20201217
Plonq: 20201218
Plonq: 20201221
Plonq: 20201230
Plonq: Winter Sun
Plonq: Snow Fort
Plonq: Sketchy River Trail
Plonq: River Walk
Plonq: Mild day at the park
Plonq: Frost
Plonq: Interesting ornaments
Plonq: Hibiscus Tea
Plonq: I don't think our tree is going to recover
Plonq: Winter in the city
Plonq: Ice Sculptures
Plonq: Bridge
Plonq: River Walk
Plonq: Winnipeg in January
Plonq: It's a dry cold
Plonq: Here there be dragons
Plonq: Snow Maze
Plonq: Maze
Plonq: Snow Room
Plonq: Frost
Plonq: Poit
Plonq: Let the outdoor drinking begin
Plonq: Red River Floodway
Plonq: Melty
Plonq: Bunny
Plonq: Floodway