plong: Vaughn doling out shirts
plong: See, it says it right... here.
plong: You arrive at the scene and...
plong: AED to the rescue!
plong: BSI, anyone?
plong: Guys and their gizmos--a fancy AED
plong: Selina instructing
plong: Stop leaving your GI Joe on the floor!
plong: Passed out, no pants, just bunker jacket
plong: Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle
plong: This sucks
plong: What else should we be doing?
plong: I hope Kevin's doing RTA
plong: Let's hide the body
plong: Ray getting ready for the morning shoot
plong: Yes, the NPA should reach all the way down to the thyroid cartilage
plong: Bag lady
plong: SSsssssssssssssssss...
plong: I think Jamie's done this before
plong: Clickety, clickety, click
plong: Dang, where is the purple stethoscope?
plong: Is this guy really sick at all?
plong: Uh oh, it's squad 1's mock-call day
plong: Broken radius makes her... happy
plong: EMT students leap into action
plong: Lessee, the rabbit goes thru the hole...
plong: Ta da!
plong: Patient has something in her eye?
plong: Debra's checking BP
plong: Emotional and medical aid