ploafmaster: the last laundry you'll ever wash
ploafmaster: Okay, you can take the picture...
ploafmaster: a man out of time
ploafmaster: the impresario
ploafmaster: standard hardware & supply co
ploafmaster: Whiskerino 2009, Day 75
ploafmaster: Whiskerino 2009, Day 67
ploafmaster: leaf and feather
ploafmaster: the pinch of basil
ploafmaster: baked to perfection
ploafmaster: 110 per cent
ploafmaster: Whiskerino 2009, Day 19
ploafmaster: cold and abandoned
ploafmaster: Garnett's Cafe
ploafmaster: the weight of years
ploafmaster: We Will Become Silhouettes
ploafmaster: at vehicle owner's expense
ploafmaster: hey mister
ploafmaster: chasing after the last long days of summer
ploafmaster: span, or "something old, something new"
ploafmaster: lizbit
ploafmaster: ma cugina
ploafmaster: Look Up, in Color
ploafmaster: peek-a-boo valerie
ploafmaster: life and the whole world before you
ploafmaster: Ellwood
ploafmaster: Jake 2